The Focus 250 is a truly amazing fireplace. The compact body makes it versatile enough to use as a replacement for an existing fireplace, but the glass viewing space has been maximized. It is also ideal for installations where a raised hearth is desired, especially if the ceiling height is low. The efficiency and heat output are astounding, while the design is both simple and modern. The Focus 250 a contemporary wood burner that’s not to be missed.
This fireplace is certified for use with 7" ICC Model EXCEL chimney only.
- 2.1 cubic foot firebox.
- EPA 2015 certified at an emission rate of 4.0gr/hour
- Contemporary style
- Realistic firebrick lining.
- Takes 18” logs.
- Can be installed into a masonry chimney using an RSF adapter and a UL/ULC listed stainless steel chimney liner