The 864 See-Thru Gas Fireplace depicts tranquility with a perfect balance between its firebox, logs and flames. Featuring two sides of fire viewing, this fireplace is ideal for heating two separate rooms at once, while the logs have been artfully designed to offer a different look from either side. Both sides of this fireplace also feature high quality, high clarity glass to display a beautiful, glowing fire that you will have a hard time telling apart from real wood-burning logs. Convection air moves to both sides of the fireplace evenly as well, giving you gentle even warmth.
With the 864 See-Thru, you have the ability to completely personalize both sides of this gas fireplace to complement the two rooms in your home, as this model includes several transitional face designs to choose from.
Additional Documentation
Owner's Manual
- 864 ST GS2 W Screen - Installation Manual
- 864 ST GS2 W Screen - Operation Manual
- 864 ST GS2 Cheat Sheet
Accessories Manual
- 864TRV Grill Installation Instructions
- Rosario Winthrop (864) Face Installation
- Fireback Installation, Winthrop ST (864 ST) Enamel
- Fireback Instructions, 864 ST
- 2897 GreenSmart Wall Mount Remote - Improving The Signal
- 2912 GreenSmart "DONE!" List
- GreenSmart 2 Remote Instructions
- Universal Remote Thermostat Instructions (2012)
- Wall Mount Timer Instructions
- Wireless Wall Thermostat (Battery Operated), Instruction Sheet
- Andiron Installation Instructions