The 864 TRV gas fireplace combines convective heat, radiant heat and reduced depth dimension, making this unit ideal for small to mid-sized homes or for zone heating in bedrooms, living rooms and outdoor spaces. This gas fireplace features high quality, high clarity glass that comes standard with the 2015 ANSI-compliant invisible safety screen, increasing the overall safety of this unit for you and your family.
The 864 TRV gas fireplace comes standard with the very popular accent light for an added glow when the fireplace is on or off, which really showcases the fireplace in every setting.
The 864 TRV gas fireplace allows you the option of adding the revolutionary GreenSmart® 2 Wall Mounted Remote Control, which gives you the ability to control virtually every function of this fireplace from the comfort of your couch. The 864 TRV GS2 also allows to the ability to add the Power Heat Duct Kit to move heat to an adjoining room - up to 25 feet away.